Customize bettair® nodes

¡Customize your bettair® nodes! With bettair®, configure your IoT devices according to your needs or to the specific city space you want to monitor.

The bettair® node is so much more

Customize the Basic Node according to your preferences, add the parameters you need, and request a quote!

Gas sensors that can be included

Choose up to 6*


Additional option


External sensors

Choose up to 1*

Complete weather station
Comes with support and integrated communications with the node, making it plug&play. Data is displayed on the bettair® platform like other data. It includes the following parameters:
  • Wind speed and direction (mechanical)
  • Temperature, humidity, pressure
  • Precipitation
  • Solar radiation
Sonic anemometer (wind speed and direction)
Comes with support and integrated communications with the node, making it plug&play. Data is visualized on the bettair® platform like other data.

Power supply type

Choose up to 1*

AC type node
Can only connect to alternating current. No additional elements required.
DC type node
Can connect to a DC power source (e.g., solar panel) without additional elements.
PoE type node
Can connect to an Ethernet (PoE) power source without additional elements.


AC/DC transformer
Can be used to connect a DC-type node to the AC network
Magnetic support for vehicles
Solar Panel
Includes a backup battery pack mounted with the panel.

Customized bettair® node
